Thursday, November 10, 2011

The dying art of journalism...

If Boss hasn't seen it on air, it is new!!'...The super senior editor of arguably the number one news channel in the country told an exasperated, sleep deprived, ambitious 20 something junior reporter (We shall refer to this poor soul from now on as JR)...

WTF!!! thought the JR... next minute.. the two hour old news went on air with the loud breaking news music that gave the JR nightmares...
JR's boss with his most serious face read the news the way he would announce the end of the world - 'ARMAGEDDON IS HERE!!'...only in this case it was more like the incomprehensible spokesperson of some political party ...

JR waited for the boss to explode 'WHY THE F%$K ARE WE BREAKING THIS OLD NEWS... BHE%%%&#@D!!...But nothing happened...
Two minutes later, Boss speaks - Are the other channels breaking this?...
Super Senior Editor answers- Not yet Boss...
Everyone has conveniently forgotten that all channel 'broke the reaction' two hours ago...
Another two minutes later , an excited super senior editor to Boss - XXTV has now broken it sir... but after us... hahahaha...
Boss smirks -they are so slow...

Super Senior Editor to a shocked JR - ' Kiddo, I have been in this business before you were born...I know how this works, okay?'...

Two weeks later the promising, hardworking young JR ...for whom Boss & Super Senior Editor had great plans ... quit...

(For those who can't open the link... the song is called 'Guaranteed' by Eddie Vedder)